Friday, September 19, 2008


This blog goes out to my mom!!! She forces me to do this, but she has no idea im doing this right now!! She loves to write and im glad! She's the best mom in the world and I'm sorry for being so mean about the whole weird blogging thing! I love you alot! Thanks for everything!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

To Grandma and Mrs. Jackson!

Hi grandma...I'm only doing this for you! This is a big sacrifice for me and I get a dollar! So, it's the best experience when you don't have school for 4 whole days, since our summer seemed to be sucked away!!! (away in a good way)

This weekend I played soccer, tennis, and even washed 20 cars. My soccer team did a car wash and yes I actually helped!! um, other than that I have loads of homework and yes, Mrs. Jackson it's all good for you to look at my posts! I'm suprised you think my life will be that interesting! Your homework assignments are making me think and I'm running out or interesting stories to tell!

In Young Women's I got a chocolate bar for reading my scriiptures every day for a month! Right at this very moment Zach is making a bagel, and everyone else is sitting. I read a book this weekend for the first time since summer started! Its the Maximum Ride series. I recommend it, but its kind of science fictiony.

Well, love you Grandma. Thanks for reading my posts! Here are some pictures of me playing soccer yesterday.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

My first ever post

My mom forced me to do this blog so here goes.

I'm doing two soccer teams and one tennis team. I'm doing speech and debate for my first year. I'm also on my school dance team. I'm horrible at it, but hopefully ill get better! I'm in algebra 2 and learning spanish. I can bearly speak English and now I'm trying to learn a second language. It's not working too well!

um.. Micheal Phelps rocks!!!

I'm very busy but I'm excited to do better and learn a lot!

Thats my life!